If you thought you already knew Bordeaux, then think again! Bordeauxlicious is our month long festival of wine where we will be looking at this most famous wine region of them all in a totally new light.
From 12th September – 12th October, our Head Sommelier will be showcasing nine great wines on his list which show the real diversity of the region, not only classic reds and iconic sweet wines; but lesser-known dry white styles. They are all well worth seeking out!
Who, nowadays thinks about Bordeaux when looking for a bright, crisp, refreshing Sauvignon Blanc ? Many people go naturally to other regions or countries where the somewhat monochromatic passion fruit and gooseberry character often suffice to please the less discerning palate.
When looking for a good Semillon most people probably think Australian’s Hunter Valley in New South Wales , and rightly so. Well, for a month we will try to convince you that Château Rahoul Blanc can rival with its Australian couterparts and even surpass it. In Château Rahoul’ s case , the inclusion of 25 % Sauvignon helps lifting up the fruit and acts as a complexing factor . On the red side, look out for the beautiful Cadillac Côtes de Bordeaux Château Ricaud. A beautiful wine from an outstanding vintage !
I hope you enjoy our Bordeauxlicious selection and trust that you will eventually venture out and try wines that could have been overlooked .
For details of all Bordeauxlicious tastings and events click here
Selection of White Wine 125 ml Glass 750 ml Bottle
Dourthe No1 Sauvignon Blanc 2013 6.50 39.00
Graves Château Rahoul 2012 66.00
Bordeaux Blanc de Lynch Bages 2008 95.00
Selection of Red Wine
Castillon Côte de Bordeaux Château Le Peyrat 2011 35.00
Cadillac Côtes de Bordeaux Château Ricaud 2010 7.95 46.00
Haut- Médoc Château Cissac 2010 69.00
Haut- Médoc Diane de Belgrave 2009 65.00
Saint-Emilion Château de Fonbel Grand Cru 2010 85.00
Pessac Leognan Château La Garde 2004 89.00
Saint -Julien La Réserve de Leoville Barton 2010 115.00
Margaux du Château Margaux 2009 25.00 125.00
Pomerol Château La Fleur Petrus 1983 325.00